Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.

Orhan Pamuk

How we train is simple. With your dog, we will use one or more methods listed below in order to get a behavior, and then we will reinforce that behavior.

How we get a behavior:

  • Prompting
  • Thresholds
  • Operant Conditioning (Associative Learning)
  • Classical Conditioning (Associative Learning)
  • Avoidance Learning
  • Shaping
  • Redirecting
  • Reinforcements

You'll learn more about these methods as we train and as you see your dog beginning to learn. What's different about this training is that it isn't done in a classroom, nor is it one size fits all. It's done where you are going to use it and it is individualized for each dog.

To get started, click the Training tab at the top of the screen.